
Edina Morningside Preschool kids in the play yard

Fun in the play yard!


What makes Edina Morningside Preschool special?

Our loving, experienced teachers foster children’s social skills and offer a child-centered preschool curriculum; all in a spacious environment. Your child has the space to explore, grow and make friends.

Teachers make a difference

Our dedicated staff is highly qualified and experienced. We value each child and love to share his/her excitement and learning. We work with families to individualize our instruction to children’s developmental stages and interests. From our warm welcome every day to parent check-out after school, you and your child will feel connected and welcomed here.

Fostering self-esteem, empathy, independence and friendships

Children develop social skills at school. We encourage, guide and nurture each child through teacher interactions, our environment, their choices, and planned curriculum. We provide an enriched environment for children. They may choose between art, science, puzzles, blocks, hands-on fun, dramatic play, games, books, climbing, riding and much more. During Discovery Time — as they choose new or favorite activities and test new ideas — the children learn to trust themselves. Older children learn to lead, care for and help others. While younger children see both social and academic skills modeled — all are growing in confidence and abilities daily. Everyone gets a chance to choose, to lead, to share and to participate.

Child-centered curriculum

Every day, EMPS curriculum is planned around the interests and needs of our children at school. We add intriguing dramatic play areas to increase social interactions and allow children to pretend, learn and explore both familiar and new roles. Unique physical activities during free play, transitions and group times help to mature young bodies and minds, increasing focus, coordination, balance and endurance. We cook from scratch monthly, helping everyone learn about where our food comes from. Our monthly field trips and speakers broaden the experience each child has with their world. Small group times are specially designed for each group of 8 children, giving children the tools to express their learning and ideas. Daily music and movement together uses piano, voices, recordings, instruments, bean bags, streamers, scarves and parachute to bring joy and expression to learning basic concepts. Children are excited about learning and ready for new challenges.

Size Matters! A small school in a big space

As a small school we get to know each child, parents and family. No one gets lost in the shuffle. All school-based activities are in easily accessible areas; there is no large hallway to intimidate children. With small classes, there is no waiting for the children in trying new activities, gym time, cooking, outdoors or art. We have the activities of a larger program from our classroom, play yard and facilities to our monthly field trips, library, cooking, music programs and literacy and science activities.

Come and see our spacious facility

We have a spacious indoor area for children, with room for movement and many stations and special drama spaces. There’s room to create huge structures and art projects; to feel safe and cozy; and to feel independent. Outside we have a large play yard with opportunities for climbing, sliding, running, riding bikes, playing in the sandbox, and imagining in the playhouse. We go outside daily, weather permitting.


Edina Morningside Preschool Fellowship Hall

Fellowship Hall provides ample space for group activities and large-muscle play.

Edina Morningside Preschool play yard

Take a ride down the slide or explore the playhouse — there’s room to roam.