“Kenya and Daylight School feel so much closer now.” The quote above is from a long time Daylight School enthusiast in the USA. The comment captures how the shared experience of a pandemic in 2020 made for closer ties between the Daylight School community and its supporters in the USA. Hardship and worry have been…

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A Daylight farewell!

On Saturday, May 8th, we celebrated the 13-year anniversary of the first day students attended class at Daylight School! What was once just open land has become a bustling hive of activity, laughter, learning, hard work and love. We held our U.S. Board Summit that day and celebrated all that has been accomplished by Daylight…

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We asked and you delivered! Our annual March Food & Fund Drive was a wonderful success, bringing together hundreds of community members in the fight against food insecurity. Collectively, VEAP received a total of 148,252 pounds of food, nearly twice our original goal of 75,000 pounds! We also raised $322,591, fifty percent more than we…

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Spiritual Life – A Reflection on what I learned through the My Grandmother’s Hands book group “What does God require of you but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8. Over the last few years, EMC has offered opportunities to learn more about the racial justice discussion going on…

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VEAP Food and Fund Drive – March 1 – April 11 VEAP is having a Food and Fund Drive in conjunction with the annual Minnesota FoodShare Campaign. Their goal this year is to raise $175,000 and 75,000 lbs of food. That’s quite a lot but there is a big need!  In 2020 VEAP distributed 4,663,551…

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Latest news from Daylight!

Jambo! Daylight Partners!  A New Beginning! It is a new school year at Daylight and there are happy voices and the campus is once again a flurry of activity! We look forward to sharing more stories and highlights of our students. To the right, some of our younger students were doing some painting recently. They…

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Each month, Edina Morningside Church partners with a different community ministry to raise awareness and funds. We call it our “Second Offering”, and in February we are supporting Simpson Housing Services in Minneapolis. Originally a ministry of Simpson United Methodist Church, this shelter-and-more for people who are experiencing homelessness now serves thousands every year. Its…

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