img_7770_2“I hope you are ready to be loved—for who you are and for whom you will become,” said Rev. Dr. James Gertmenian, addressing members and friends of Edina Morningside Church. The minister emeritus of Plymouth Congregational Church praised Rev. Oby Ballinger’s great gifts for ministry during his message, “Promise and Peril,” at Pastor Oby’s installation service on Sunday, Oct. 9.

“The promise is in the peril,” he asserted, challenging both Pastor Oby and his new congregants to lower their nets in the deep water—in other words, to make themselves uncomfortable by truly living the Good News. In short, he quipped, “no pain, no gain.”

Gertmenian was one of a dozen or so religious leaders—joined by many Edina Morningside Church members, friends and family—who attended the afternoon service; many wore red as a sign of the Holy Spirit.

The installation service featured music by EMC’s Chancel Choir and Bell Choir, Holy Communion and readings of biblical scriptures, including one shared by Rev. Javen Swanson, Pastor Oby’s husband.

A dessert reception and celebration, hosted by Women’s Fellowship, followed.

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